Shows & productions
Karlos Karvanaama ja erikoisten eläinten hullunkurinen sirkus
Karlos Karvanaama ja erikoisten eläinten hullunkurinen sirkus on taaperoikäisille sopiva esitys jossa parrakas sirkustirehtööri seikkailee eläinsirkuksensa kanssa vieraillen erilaisissa ympäristöissä kuten veden alla, maan päällä, ilmassa sekä avaruudessa.
Spinsane is a circus artist's rat race that spins around absurdity and on the borderlands of reason. Spinsane warms the hearts of people of all ages with its unique humor and spectacular wheel of death acrobatics.
While the wheel of death is spinning, everyone can momentarily forget their own rat race and just focus on exciting the life of a circus artist, or maybe come to try it themselves if they dare.
Tattarmossen Experience
Race Horse Company continues to push the boundaries of acrobatics and physical comedy in an over the top extravaganza set in a derelict workshop space in the outskirts of a busy town. The show features an unlikely fellowship of anti-heroes that make a hazardous adventure out of the most mundane activities in a display of the rugged and creative side of humanity.
Sirkus ikään kuin ikään
"Amazement, laughter and excitement!"
Sirkus ikään kuin ikään was created for touring elderly service centres in Helsinki. The show was directed by Kalle Lehto and funded by the city of Helsinki as part of the city's initiative to further cultural activities and participation of the elderly people.